by Dr. Max D. Younce
This book has just been reprinted and has 7 color diagrams, coded to the text. It is perfect bound (Paper-back), 88 pages, 8-1/2" x 11." The suggested donation is $9.00 +$5.00 for shipping and handling. (USD) Canadian and International postage by email quote.
This book arose from a discussion at a Wednesday evening service. I stated that Christ went to Paradise between His death on the Cross and His Resurrection three days later. One man stated he had heard from several preachers that Christ's spirit remained in Hell for all eternity to pay for our sins. Another thought Christ went to Hell to pay for our sins. Their thoughts could not be supported by Scripture and several requests were made for an exposition in writing on the subject of Hell. This book is the outcome of these requests. This is by no means an exhaustive study on this subject, but rather charts and comments to help clarify much misunderstanding concerning the subject of Hell.
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