All of the books listed on this page are available, those written by Dr. Max Younce, or others. There are no profits as a result of this page. The donations asked are only for the cost of printing and shipping, and all funds go to the Heritage Radio Bible Class, a ministry of Heritage Bible Church Online. None go to Dr. Younce, personally. We know the internet is not for everyone, and many times you like to have the book right on your shelf. We have always been glad that we could provide free downloads. It is all about getting out God's Word.
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17)
How to Order Books from this Website
Note: If more than one book is ordered, the shipping cost will be calculated by the package, and the $5.00 S/H per book will not apply. Please make all checks and money orders out to: Heritage Radio Bible Class. You can still order books by writing to:
"Internet Book Order" Heritage Baptist Bible Church P.O. Box 573 Walnut Grove, MN 56180.
Church Telephone: 1 (507) 531-2542, or 1 (507) 706-2066
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Central Time)
Dr. Younce's Newest Book
The Case for Capital Punishment How It Saved My Life
This book is based on four radio messages in which Dr. Younce lays out the Scriptural proof that God, Himself, is the One who first instituted capital punishment as the consequence for committing murder. There is added material from the time Dr. Younce served in law enforcement, with the final chapter containing several interesting news clippings about his time on the Police Department in the City of Troy, Ohio. Click on the cover image below and it will bring up a larger image.
Perfect Bound
Size = 5-1/2" x 8-1/2”
142 Pages
Suggested Donation: $7.95 + $5.00 for S/H
Domestic shipping only.
International shipping by email quote.
Weight = 10 ounces
The King James Translation vs The New International Version
Spiral- Bound Manuscript
8-1/2" x 11,” with 193 pages
Suggested donation: $5.00 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling
Weight of Book = 6 Ounces
Domestic shipping only.
International shipping by email quote.[
The Times of Our Lives: The Wisdom of Solomon
This book is non-fiction for general reading, Adult Bible Studies, or Sunday School. The theme of the book is based on the famous "Time Poem" of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. The context: Ecclesiastes, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles. There are 193 pages, with 30 pages dedicated to a cross-reference from other Scriptures to every verse in Ecclesiastes. The beautiful water-color illustrations were done by my friend, Rachel York. I greatly appreciate the Christian testimony, as well as the art, of this young, married, mother of two. She is Mrs. Michael York.
Perfect Bound (Paper Back) - Size = 8-1/2" x 11,” with 193 pages
Suggested donation:$10.00 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling
Weight of Book Only is 18 Ounces - Domestic shipping only.
International shipping must be quoted by email.
The Truth About Evolution, Or, Don't Let Satan Make a Monkey Out of You!
Perfect Bound (Paper Back)
5-1/2" x 8-1/2”
248 pages
Suggested donation:$7.95 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling
Domestic shipping only. International shipping must be quoted by email.
Weight = 12 Ounces
The index outlines all topics covered, with diagrams and illus-trations. This book defends Creationism against Evolution and refutes the False Philosophy (Theory) of a Young Earth.
Salvation And The Public Invitation
Perfect Bound (Paper Back)
5-1/2" x 8-1/2”
128 Pages
Suggested Donation: $4.95 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling
Domestic shipping only . International shipping must be quoted by email.
Weight = 7 ounces
This book challenges a long held tradition of many churches. Do you have to walk to the front of a church to be saved, or is it just another tradition that has crept into the church. When you read, you will be challenged to cast aside precoceived ideas to search, and believe, the Scriptures for yourself.
Martin Luther, Master of Deceit
Perfect Bound
5-1/2" x 8-1/2”
277 pages
Scripture Index
Suggested donation: $8.00 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling
Domestic shipping only. .International shipping must be quoted by email.
Weight = 13.5 ounces
Luther did not believe all of God’s Ten Commandments, left out the Second one in his Catechisms. Luther absolutely did not believe that salvation was by faith in Christ alone. He stated time and time again that baptism gives you eternal life. Each verse Luther uses is examined.
Not Chosen to Salvation
Perfect Bound
5-1/2" x 8-1/2”
196 Pages
Suggested Donation: $6.95 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling
Domestic shipping only . International shipping must be quoted by email.
Weight = 10 ounces
Refutes David Nettleton's book, of the G.A.R.B.C., Chosen To Salvation. It covers all the Scriptures on the false doctrine of predestination for salvation, providing the reader with tools for witnessing. This evil doctrine is nothing less than an attack on God’s Grace. There is a Scripture Index in back.
A Biblical Examination of Hell
Perfect Bound 88 pages 8-1/2" x 11."
Suggested Donation: $9.00 +$5.00 for Shipping/Handling.
Domestic shipping only. International shipping must be quoted by email.) Weight – 9 ounces
A Bible study companion, the charts and comments help clarify much misunderstanding concerning the subject of Hell. The book has 7 color diagrams, and covers many doctrines relating to this subject.
Three Important Questions!
Perfect Bound (Paper-back) 5-1/2" x 8/1/2” 98 pages Suggested Donation:$2.95. + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling.
Domestic shipping only. International shipping must be quoted by email.
Weight = 6.5 ounces)
Question One: When Did Christ Rise From The Grave? Question Two: Is God Unfair To The Heathen? Question Three: Are We To Worship On Saturday as Seventh-Day Adventists endorse?
Face To Face With Tongues
Perfect Bound (Paper Back) 5-1/2" x 8-1/2” 123 pages Suggested Donation: $5.95 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling.
Domestic shipping only. International shipping must be quoted by email.
Weight = 6 ounces
This book is a Verse by verse examination of all Scriptures showing that "speaking in tongues” is not for the Church today. Tongues ceased with completion of God's Word.
I'm So Glad You Asked! A Two Volume Set
Perfect Bound (Paper Back) Volume I - 299 pages Volume II - 305 pages Suggested Donation for the set is $18.50 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling.
Domestic shipping only.
International shipping must be quoted by email.
Weight = 1 lb., 14 ounces
This is a collection of most of the Questions & Answers from the web site, The brief articles are concise answers to questions people have asked. Long articles are on Bible Doctrines and issues of today.
A Biblical Examination of Baptism
Perfect Bound (Paper Back) 5-1/2" x 8-1/2” 88 Pages Suggested Donation: $4.95 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling.
Domestic shipping only. International shipping must be quoted by email.
Covers all Scriptures about baptism in the New Testament--what baptism is and what it isn't! Scripturally refutes infant baptism. Explains the different baptisms taught in the Bible and their purpose.
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow - A Book on Bible Prophecy
Perfect Bound (Paper Back) 8 ½” by 11” 338 pages Suggested Donation: $21.95 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling.
Domestic shipping only. International shipping must be quoted by email. Weight = 2 lbs.
The book has many charts, diagrams, and illustrations. There are many doctrinal issues addressed, and many questions answered about false teachings in Bible Prophecy today.
Who Can Forgive Sins? A Minister, Priest, Or Jesus Christ?
Perfect Bound (Paper-back) Dimensions: 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" 64 pages. Suggested Donation: $2.95 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling.
Domestic shipping only. International shipping must be quoted by email.
Weight = 3.5 ounces
With only 50 pages in the main text, this book is a power-packed refutation of the false doctrine that mere human men can forgive the eternal consequences of sin.! Only one Person who can forgive your sin. Only one Person paid for your sin. Only one Person is your Mediator; and only one Person who can give you eternal life. That Person is the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Whether you go to Heaven or Hell depends on who you want to believe, the Lutheran preacher, the Catholic priest, or THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
The Book of Revelation: God’s Final Word to Man
Perfect Bound (Paper-back) Dimensions: 8-1/2" x 11" 398 pages Chapter Index, and Scripture Index, in the front of the book. Suggested Donation: $21.95 + $5.00 for Shipping/Handling
Domestic shipping only. International shipping must be quoted by email.
Weight = 2.5 lbs.
It is a verse-by-verse study of this tremendous book. We will be referring to the Book of Daniel, and other Old Testament prophets. Bringing in many doctrinal issues; such as the difference between the Rapture and the Revelation of Christ, the Character and Background of the Book. We will introduce you to the main players in God’s final prophetic drama as it plays out on the stage of end-time Scripture.
Bible Questions and Answers – Heritage Baptist Bible Church